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Monday, June 30, 2008

What happened

to June?????
It started out beautifully and now it's gone already...sheesh. Time just got away from me this month I'm afraid. I tried my best to get a new kit out but I'm just not happy with the way it's been coming together and I'll continue to work on it.

I'm trying to get ready for a garage sale but my computer just won't let me...rofl! She keeps calling and calling me, interrupting everything I'm working on:( But this garage sale is a must! I'm so tired of my 'stuff' I want to scream. I'm tired of dealing with it...dusting and polishing stuff...picking it up for the millionth time so I can dust under and around it...tired of it, I tell you!
Dont' get me wrong...I love my 'stuff'. It's beautiful and cool and worth thousands of dollars and I've become quite attached to my 'stuff'. But it must go.

The struggle to rid myself of 'stuff' has been ongoing for quite awhile and I think I'm finally winning the battle. Part of the catalyst for this has been the struggle my sister and bil have been going thru with the recent illness of his mother. She now resides in a nursing home and sis and bil have been charged with the task of readying her house for sale and trying to resolve the issue of her 'stuff'. I would be mortified if my family had the task of dealing with my 'stuff' after my passing or being incapacitated. Poor dh would be beside himself and really not up to the task.

So out it goes! But I gotta' tell ya', I've re-discovered some gorgeous 'stuff' Opening boxes to see items I didn't remember I owned and falling in love with them all over again...just freaking pitiful. But if I love it so much, what the hell is it doing in a box waiting for the next appropriate season to roll around??? Screw it...out, out, out! I keep telling myself "Mollie, you're trying to simplify your life!" and that's been doing the trick! Until I open the next box...roflol:) But I am anticipating the freedom I'll feel when the bulk of my 'stuff' is outta' here! Won't have to worry about storing it or finding it or cleaning it...yippee! OUT, damn 'stuff'!

OK...enough about my 'stuff'...I'd better get back to work. Make sure you come back tomorrow July 1st for a really great surprise you don't want to miss.
Until safe.


Anonymous said...

Good to see you're back on the blog! Busy here sorting "stuff" too. LOL Plus decades of photos! I'm getting old (56) and wearing out but other than that things are good here. I'll check back in tomorrow to see what nice goodies you have. Leona in FL

Elaine said...

OMG, you sound just like me, ROFLO. I am 64, lived in same house for 35 years, that I rasied 4 sons in. I have so much "stuff" to sort & get rid of, so someday my sons will not have to do it! I even have a storage unit full oif crap, I can't bear to get rid of, lol. I just have to out, out, simplify my life!!!

amsangel said...

I'm keeping this for inspiration, hope it works for me - and GOOD LUCK to you!! (It's been a while, how'd it go?)